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MCFP helps to nourish more
than 130 families a year.

MCFP Clients & Volunteer Expectations
All “workers” at the pantry are unpaid volunteers and are there to help the clients. All clients should expect to be treated kindly and respectfully by volunteers as well as by other clients. All volunteers expect the same from clients. Client behavior deemed inappropriate may be grounds for taking away the privilege of using the Food Pantry.
New client certification forms can be completed at the Food Pantry. Client recertification can also be completed at the Pantry with any Supervisor. Annual recertification is required for clients under the age of 65. We will notify you when it is time to be recertified.
The Food Pantry is open every other Saturday (usually the 1st and 3rd Saturday with an occasional exception on holiday weekends) from 9:00 am 11:30 am. Clients may come every week the pantry is open or only as often as you need food. Notification of Holiday Closing Dates will be posted beforehand.
All clients are expected to pick up their own food. If you cannot do so on a particular Saturday, but need some food, another family member or a friend may pick up for you. If the person who picks up your food is not a member of your household, then a note should be written to us giving that person permission to do so. Date and sign the note and have the person show it when he or she checks in.
Food cannot be taken for a Saturday ahead or for the previous Saturday if you were not in. Please do not ask volunteers to break this rule.
Home food delivery can be done ONLY in emergency situations.
A volunteer will accompany each client to assist you in your shopping. Our goal is to keep the flow of shoppers steady but the room uncongested.
Please follow posted food charts for the amount of food allotted to your family size; the amounts are based on federal nutrition guidelines, so we ask you to please not ask volunteers to make exceptions.
Please have children remain with you at all times to reduce confusion. For the safety of all, limit play/toy use.
Please remain in the pantry until your shopping is completed and, once having left, please do not return for “exchanges”.

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